January 22, 2015

BBC World Service: Newsday with Yan St-Pierre on Boko Haram

January 22, 2015


The BBC World Service Newsday programme featured Yan St-Pierre, giving his insights on Boko Haram and the strategic developments in north-east Nigeria (starting at the 27th min). Among other questions, Lawrence Pollard asked Yan, how powerful Boko Haram is in the area:

Boko Haram is actually much stronger than people expect, they’ve evolved strategically and as an organisation rapidly, if not exponentially in 2014. In terms of weaponry, we’re not looking at a fully  equipped army per se, but their strategies, the personnel that they have, allow them to be much more effective than many of the armies in that region and therefore the challenges for the conventional armies, such as the Nigerian army or the Cameroonian army, are much greater than expected.

To listen to the full programme and hear “one of the clearest statements on quite how grim the situation is in regards to the Nigerian military” according to the BBC Newsday reporter, please click on the link above.